Dating tutorial:simple mistakes men make during dating
It sucks when you go to the club and hear men approach women for the first time and just tell them "you are so beautiful" lol.Yes she is so beautiful and so what? Sometimes will successfully start up a charming conversation and eventually he is lost and not know what to say because of he is afraid if not scared of rejection.Rejection is part of the life we live.
"The best and simple way is to approach a bird that fancy and say,hey you look quite creative and then you purse while waiting for her to involve her self with a "oh thank you",then you follow it,"I noticed you quite a distance from that outfit and give her another chance to come closer to the net to the net with a great smile and say something like "oh really" then if it is me I will fire back for a kill with something like" oh yeah,really looks an antique from the your great,great,great grand ma,really exotic in design and a perfect outfit",i tell you what,she will crack up while getting ready more.But more is not going to come as expects,because you gotta know her and give her the chance to know you as well.